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5월, 2018의 게시물 표시

The 14th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare

The 14th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare Date: June 14-17, 2018 Venue: Lotte Hotel Seoul Hosted by the Center for Distributive Justice at Seoul National University Click here to visit the official website.

[CDJ Workshop] 분배적 정의, 다양성과 한국사회의 통합

분배적 정의, 다양성과 한국사회의 통합 일시 : 2016년 6월 1일 금요일 오후 3:00-5:30 장소 : 아시아연구소(101동) 512호 주최 : 서울대 경제연구소 분배정의연구센터 고려대 사회통합교육연구소 대구카톨릭대 사회통합연구소 한국연구재단(NRF-2016S1A3A292494)

[DP 201805] Wonki Jo Cho, Biung-Ghi Ju, "Identifying Groups in a Boolean Algebra"

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[DP 201804] Hee-In Chang and Youngsub Chun, "Probabilistic assignment of indivisible objects when agents have the same preferences except the ordinal ranking of one object"

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[CDJ Event] 해외 초청 강연 - 서울대에서 듣는 UN 브리핑

[DP 201803] Jan R. Kim and Sungjin Cho, "Can Housing Prices be Justified by Economic Fundamentals? Evidence from Regional Housing Markets of Korea"

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[DP 201802] Syngjoo Choi, Jeongbin Kim, Eungik Lee, and Jungmin Lee, "Probability Weighting and Cognitive Ability"

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[DP 201801] 박정민, 신진욱, 최승주, 홍석철, "채무조정제도 이용자들의 경제적 합리성과 경제적 성과"

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