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[UTOKYO-CDJ Workshop] Inclusion and Sustainable Development

Inclusion and Sustainable Development Date January 21, 2025 Venue Sanjō Conference Hall, University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus) Program 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM: Lunch and Networking (Meeting Rooms 001 and 002, Basement Level 1) This room will be open around 11:30. Engage in discussions with: Ayako Ozawa (DBJ) Tatsufumi Aoyama (DBJ) 12:50 PM - 1:00 PM: Welcoming and Opening Remarks Susumu Cato (UTokyo, Institute of Social Science) Jungmin Park (SNU, Department of Social Welfare) 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM: Session 1 (Sanjō Conference Hall, Two speakers, 40 minutes each) Eric Weese (UTokyo, Institute of Social Science) Creative Destruction in the European State System: 1000-1850​ (With David Schönholzer)  Hyunwoo Hong (CNU, Department of Economics) Climate Justice: Historical Accountability vs. International Paretianism  2:20 PM - 2:40 PM: Coffee/Tea Break  2:40 PM - 4:00 PM: Session 2 (Sanjō Conference Hall, Two speakers, 40 minutes each) Biung-Ghi Ju (SNU, Department of Economics)  A...
최근 글

CDJ January Workshop

 CDJ January Workshop 일시 2025년 1월 10일(금) 15:00 - 18:00 장소 서울대학교 16동 사회과학대학 611호 사회 홍현우 교수 (충남대) 발제 오성재 박사 (한국보건사회연구원): Can mandatory local-talent hiring policy reduce regional starting wage gap? Causal evidence from Korean graduates 조규방 (서울대 박사과정): Implementation with minimal adherence to social norms

[경제와 정의포럼/한국사회과학회 심포지엄] 정의로운 에너지 전환과 전력산업의 과제

[ 경제와정의포럼 /  한국사회과학회 심포지엄] 정의로운 에너지 전환과 전력산업의 과제 1. 일   시: 2024년 12월 13일 (금) 14:00~17:30 2. 장   소: 서울대학교 223동 우석경제관 307호 3. 주   최: 서울대 경제연구소 분배정의연구센터, 한국사회과학회 4. 온라인:  https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/8347538162 *자료집 다운로드:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uoSh_Y6n9tRqHaIpZIij46zlC90V8fMB/view?usp=sharing - 사회 한재준 교수 (인하대) - 축사 류동민 교수 (한국사회과학회 이사장, 충남대) - 개회사 주병기 교수 (분배정의연구센터장) - 기조발제   1. 에너지 전환이 촉발하는 전력산업 변화 / 전우영 교수 (전남대)   2. 전기요금 시스템의 개선 과제 / 송재도 교수 (전남대) - 종합토론 좌장 홍종호 교수 (서울대) - 패널 김린 교수 (인하대) 유종민 교수 (홍익대) 이유수 선임연구위원 (에너지경제연구원) 이동진 교수 (상명대) 이유진 소장 (녹색전환연구소)  

CDJ Seminar (Oct. 28, 10:00-12:00)

CDJ Seminar Time: Oct. 28, 10:00-12:00 Venue: CSS 16-611 1. Dialling into Habits: Long-term purchase behaviour fuelling telecom price war  by Barsha Saha (Jindal Global Business School Jindal Global University, India)  2. Probabilistic Mechanism for Public Choice and Its Undominatedness  by Hocheol Shin (SNU)

CDJ Faculty Research and Publication in 2023-2024

 CDJ Faculty Research and Publication in 2023-2024 PDF:  CDJ Faculty Research and Publication in 2023-2024 연번 게재일 연구자 게재 제목 게재지 / 출판사 1 2023 Chulhee Lee Effect of Changing Business Condition on Prenatal Health Seoul Journal of Economics 2023, Vol. 36, No. 3 2 Mar-23 Hyejin Kim, Chulhee Lee The immigrant wage gap and assimilation in Korea Migration Studies, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 103 – 122 3 2023 Ilwoo Hwang Policy experimentation with repeated elections Games and Economic Behavior 142, (2023) 623 – 644 4 2023 IlwooHwang, StefanKrasa Leadership ability and agenda choice Games andEconomicBehavior142, (2023) 179 – 192 5 May-23 Jihwan Do, Jung Hur, Sung ‑ Ha Hwang, Larry D. Qiu Tariff diversity and FTA network REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS, (2023) Vol.159, pp.333-360 6 2023 Jinwoo Kim Strong Collusion-Proof Implementation Korean Economic Review, 2023, 39, 241-256. 7 Jan-23 Jongwoo Chung, Chulhee Lee Technology, job characteristics, and retirementofagedworkers:evidencefr...