Center for Distributive Justice, Institute of Economic Research Workshop on Fair Allocation and Market July 15, 2015 College of Social Science (Building #16) Room 655 Registration: 15:30~15:50 Opening: Biung-Ghi Ju (Director, Center for Distributive Justice) Presentation 1: 16:00~16:30 Sharing the proceeds from a hierarchical venture by Juan D. Moreno-Ternero (Universidad Pablo de Olavide and CORE, Universite Catholique de Louvain) Presentation 2: 16:40~17:10 Envy-Free and Incentive Compatible Division of a Commodity by Jung You (California Sate University) Presentation 3: 17:20~17:50 Competitive Equilibrium and Singleton Core in Generalized Matching Problems by Jaeok Park (Yonsei Univerisity) Dinner