Workshop on Positive Theories of Democracy, Market, and Justice Date: June 18, 2018 (10:30 - 16:30) Venue: Korea University, Department of Economics, Room 618 (정경관 618호) Opening Remarks Biung-Ghi Ju (Director, Center for Distributive Justice at SNU) Keynote Lecture (10:45 - 11:45), chaired by Woojin Lee (Korea University) “A theory of cooperation in games with an application to market socialism”, by John Roemer (Yale University): Lunch (11:45 - 13:30) Contributed Session I (13:45 - 15:15), chaired by Seok-ju Cho (SKKU) “The implications of equal value of life and prioritarianism for the evaluation of population health”, by Juan D. Moreno-Ternero (UPO). “On the General Impossibility of Persistent Unequal Exchange Free Trade Equilibria in the Pre-industrial World Economy”, by Naoki Yoshihara (U of Mass.). “A Formal Theory of Democratic Deliberation”, (with John Duggan), by Hun Chung. Contributed Session II (15:30 - 16:30), chaired by Byoung Heon Jun ...