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6월, 2021의 게시물 표시

[CDJ 대학원 세미나] Inequality of opportunities vs. Inequality of outcomes: Are western societies all alike?

일시: 2021년 6월 19일(토) 9:00 - 12:00 장소: 화상회의 ( https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/8347538162 ) 주제: Inequality of opportunities vs. Inequality of outcomes: Are western societies all alike?     - 전훈철 (서울대 경제학부 박사과정)

[DP202110] 패자에대한경제학

[첨부파일 다운로드]

The 20th Annual SAET Conference

The 20th Annual SAET Conference [SAET Link click] Will be held VIRTUALLY on June 13-17, 2021 – on Seoul, South Korea time. [VIEW A .PDF OF THE CONFERENCE PROGRAM] ■ Date:June 13-17, 2021 – on Seoul, South Korea time. ■ Registration:There will be no registration fee. However, to participate in the conference you must renew your membership (https://saet.uiowa.edu/membership). ■  chairs: Youngsub Chun and Nicholas Yannelis. University ■  Sponsor: The conference is sponsored by the Center for Distributive Justice, Seoul National University. 

[DP202109] 사회적 기업의 의사결정 구조와 성과의 관계에 대한 연구

[첨부파일 다운로드]