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2월, 2024의 게시물 표시

[CDJ 대학원 세미나] Explaining shapes of Engel curve: the impact of differential satiation dynamics on consumer behavior

일시: 2024년 2월 19일 (월) 11:00 - 12:30 장소:  - 서울대학교 사회과학대학 16동 611호 - 온라인 ( https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/8347538162 ) 주제: Explaining shapes of Engel curve: the impact of differential satiation dynamics on consumer behavior 발표: 전훈철 (서울대 경제학부 박사과정)

[CUHK-CDJ] Joint Workshop in Economic Theory

[CUHK-CDJ Joint Workshop in Economic Theory] Host: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Center for Distributive Justice at Seoul National University Dates: Feb. 23-25 Venue:   3/F, Lecture Theatre 5 (LT5), Cheng Yu Tung Building, Business School, CUHK Online link (zoom) https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/92975369587?pwd=MWxydDhhVFo1VVNKaGRSV0lmVVRwZz09 https://sites.google.com/view/cuhk-cdj-joint-workshop-2024/home program detail and registration   Program Session 1. [Feb. 23, 16:00-18:00]   Arrovian Social Choice and Decentralizability: An Integrated Approach.  Wonki Jo Cho and Biung-Ghi Ju*(SNU) Local Dominance   Emiliano Catonini and Jingyi Xue* (SMU) Session 2. [Feb. 24, 10:00-15:00] The Shapley value in positional queueing problems Changing Han and Youngsub Chun*(SNU) Climate Justice: Historical Accountability vs. International Paretianism . Hyunwoo Hong*(CNU) and Biung-Ghi Ju Sharing Profit by Ranking Partners Ruben Juarez, Chiu Yu Ko* (CUHK), and Jung S. You