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[학술대회] Workshop on Distributive Justice, Institutions, and Behavior

Workshop on Distributive Justice, Institutions, and Behavior

Seoul National University
Jan. 17~18

일시 Time: 1월 17일 금요일 Friday 10:00AM~5:15PM
                 1월 18일 토요일 Saturday 10:00AM~12:15PM

장소 Place: 사회과학대학(16동) 6층 경제학부 세미나실 (655호)
                  Econ. Dept Seminar Room(#655), 6th floor, Social Science Building 16

주최 Host: Center for Distributive Justice, Institute of Economic Research
                Center for Global Economic Policy, Asia Center, SNUAC-2013-007
                분배적 정의와 사회통합 SSK사업단 NRF-2013S1A3A2055391
                국제경제질서 SSK사업팀 NRF-2011-330-B00063
                서울대학교 경제학부 BK21플러스사업단


JAN. 17
SESSION 1: Mechanism Design Theory
Chair: Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University)
  • Domains that admit strategy-proof compromises: a characterization of single-peakedness.
    by Shurojit Chatterji (Singapore Management University), Arunava Sen and Huaxia Zeng.
  • Impossibility results for parametrized notions of efficiency and strategy-proofness in exchange economies.
    by Wonki Jo Cho (University of Manchester)



SESSION 2: Political Economy
Chair: Woojin Lee (Korea University)
  • Resale Bargaining, Upfront Payments, and the Countervailing Power Hypothesis.
    by Baomin Dong (Henan University)
  • Rules of Origin Requirements in Korea-US FTA: Testing a Modified Political Economy Model with a New Measure of Rules of Origin Requirements.
    by Jee-Hyeong Park (Seoul National University) and Jaeyoun Roh


SESSION 3: Fair and Optimal Institution Design
Chair: Jinwoo Kim (Seoul National University)
  • Optimality of non-competitive allocations.
    by Andriy Zapechelnyuk (University of Glasgow)
  • Fair Arbitration when Players' Preferences are Unknown.
    by Kang Rong (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)


JAN. 18

SESSION 4: Game Theory and Applications
Chair: Shurojit Chatterji
  • The Shapley value, a new basis, an inverse problem and relationships with the other solutions.
    by Yuki Funaki(Waseda University)
  • Job Market Signaling with Human Capital Investment.
    by Seunghan Yoo (Korea University) and Gea M. Lee
  • Choosing tax schemes under a veil of ignorance.
    by Biung-Ghi Ju (Seoul National University) and Juan D. Moreno-Ternero



이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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[경제와정의포럼] 정치경제철학 특별포럼: 장하준과 피케티의 경제발전과 불평등

 [경제와정의포럼] 정치경제철학 특별포럼 장하준과 피케티의 경제발전과 불평등 일시: 2024년 9월 3일 오후 3:00-6:00 장소: 서울대 중앙도서관 관정관 양두석홀  온라인: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/8347538162 주최: 경제와정의포럼(서울대 분배정의연구센터) 서울대 연합전공 정치경제철학연합 한국사회과학회 프로그램 전체사회: 한재준(인하대) 개최사: 주병기(경제연구소 분배정의연구센터장) 축사: 김성진(전해수부장관) [제1부, 15:20 - 16:50] 사회: 한재준(인하대) 한국의 경제발전과 불평등 by 장하준(SOAS 런던대) [패널토론]  좌장: 송수영(중앙대) 패널: 고길곤(서울대), 손종칠(한국외대)  [제2부, 17:00-18:00] 사회: 유종성(연세대) Global inequality and redistribution: A historical and comparative perspective by 토마스 피케티(파리경제대) [패널토론] 좌장: 유종성(연세대) 패널: 주병기(서울대), 하은영(Eunyoung Ha, California State University, Sacramento)

Japan-Korea Game Theory and Experimental Economics Workshop for Young Researchers

Japan-Korea Game Theory and Experimental Economics Workshop for Young Researchers Date: August 29 ~ 30, 2024 Venue: Seminar Room 3, Ara Convention Hall, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea Program Welcoming Remarks   Dr. Sung-Jin Kim (Former Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, Research Fellow of CDJ) Opening Remarks   Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University), Yukihiko Funaki  (Waseda University)  Session 1. [August 29 , 9:15-10:45]  Chair:  Toru Hokari (Keio University) Comparing the Impact of Majority and Minority Win Incentives on Bubble Formation: Insights from Experimental Asset Markets  Xiaohui Wang (Waseda University)  Call auction designs for price discovery: Experiments  Xin Fang (Waseda University)  Wealth Inequalities and Return Heterogeneity Seungbin Ohk (Seoul National University)  Session 2. [August 29 , 11:00-13:00]  Chair: Wonki Cho  (Korea University)  School choice with limited student commitm...