2017 Graduate Summer Workshop on Game Theory Hokkaido
Date: August 27-30, 2017Venue: Hokkaido Jozankei-view hotel
Co-hosted by: Center for Distributive Justice, Institute of Economic Research at Seoul National University(NRF-2016S1A3A2924944)
Participating Universities: Hitotsubashi University, Keio University, Seoul National University, Tokyo Tech, Waseda University
Day 1 (27th Sunday)
[16:00-16:50] Session 1: Equilibrium Analysis(Discussant: Keisuke Bando, Chair: Yoshio Kamijo)Shunsuke Hanato
- Equilibrium Payoff and Opportunity to be a Proposer in Bilateral Bargaining
Ayano Nakagawa
- Equilibrium Analysis of a Multi-keyword Auction: Effects of the Grouping of Keywords
[17:00-17:50] Session 2: Voting(Discussant: Tsuyoshi Adachi, Chair: Shigeo Muto)
Yoko Kawada
- Consistent Representation and Electoral Systems
Takaaki Abe
- Stable Coalition Structures in Symmetric Majority Games:A Coincidence between Myopia and Farsightedness
[18:00-18:50] Session 3: Allocation and Structure(Discussant: Ryo Kawasaki, Chair: Takehiko Yamato)
Soojeong Jung
- Revenue Sharing on Hierarchies
Yuta Nakamura
- Mechanism Design with a Guess of Sorcial Surplus
Day 2 (28th Monday)
[09:00-10:15] Session 4: Axioms and Cooperative Games(Discussant: Toshiyuki Hirai, Chair: Chun-Hsien Yeh)Koji Yokote
- Weakly Differentially Monotonic Solutions for Cooperative Games
Eunju Lee
- Axiomatic Characterizations of the Folk Rule for Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problemswith Multiple Sources
Satoshi Nakada
[10:30-12:00] Keynote Lecture(Chair: Biung-Ghi Ju)
Juan D. Moreno-Ternero
- Sharing the Revenues from Broadcasting Sport Events
[15:30-16:20] Session 5: Theory and Experiment(Discussant: Shin Kishimoto, Chair: Yukihiko Funaki)
Hyunwoo Hong
Taro Shinoda
- Unordered Bargaining Experiment on 3-person Cooperative Games
[16:30-17:50] Special Session(Discussant: Takumi Kongo, Chair: Youngsub Chun)
Frank Huettner
- Learning Fast and Slow:Rational Inattention when Learning Happens at two Different Speeds
Min-Hung Tsay
- A Strategic Justification of the Talmud Rule Based on Lower and Upper Bounds
Day 3 (29th Tuesday)
[09:00-10:15] Session 6: Measure and Index(Discussant: Kohei Kamaga, Chair: Jun Wako)Noriaki Okamoto
- The Measurement of Population Ageing
Keita Sunada
- Comment on a Characterization of the Esteban-Ray Polarization Measure
Sung-Jae Oh and Seungbin Ohk
- Income Equality of Opportunity in East Asia
[10:25-11:40] Session 7: Games and Assignment(Discussant: Yosuke Kira, Chair: Hirofumi Yamamura)
Shuige Liu
- Randomness, Predictability, and Complexity in Repeated Interactions
Junki Yukawa
- A Finite Bottleneck Game
Kiyong Yun
- Upper Contour-strategyproofness in the Random Assignment Problem
Day 4 (30th Wednesday)
[09:00] DiscussionParticipants: Keisuke Bando, Youngsub Chun, Yukihiko Funaki, Frank Huettner, Biung-Ghi Ju, Juan D.Moreno-Ternero, Shigeo Muto, Jun Wako, Takehiko Yamato
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