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[한국응용경제학회 2019년 정기학술대회] 포용적 경제와 지역균형발전

20th Anniversary 1999-2019
2019 Annual Meeting of the Korean Association of Applied Economics
[韓國應用經濟學會 2019年 定期學術大會]
  包容的 經濟地域均衡發展
日程: 2019426- 27
場所: 大邱 The Grand Hotel
主管: 韓國應用經濟學會
共同主催: 統計廳, 韓國地方稅硏究院 , 서울大 經濟硏究所 分配正義硏究센터
               西江大 革新競爭 硏究센터(CRIC) , 中央大 經濟硏究所
               韓國硏究財團(NRF-2016S1A3A2924944, 2016S1A3A2923769)

426日 金曜日
Session 1-A (13:00 14:45, 파인홀)
司會: 김기승(부산대)
發表1: 강창희(중앙대)
- 최저임금 인상이 고용규모에 미치는 영향: 집군 추정법(Bunching Estimator)을 활용한 분석
發表2: 김정유(경희대)
- Entry Deterrence by Cheap Talk
發表3: 조원기(고려대)*, 주병기(서울대)
- Multinary group identification: An integrated approach
發表4: 박철범(고려대)
- 인구구조 변화와 주택가격 움직임: 전국 및 광역시 비교 분석
Session 1-B (13:00 14:45, 메이플홀)
司會: 김진영(고려대)
發表1: 김진호(한국감정원)*, 서병선(고려대)
- 국내 석유제품의 재고변화에 대한 동학적 분석
發表2: 임형선(고려대)*, 조성훈(고려대), 서병선(고려대)
- Transboundary Impacts of Air Pollution on Health Risk in Korea: A Spatial Panel Model Assessment
發表3: 최유성(통계청)
- RDC를 통한 실증 데이터로의 접근과 연구사례
Session 1-C (13:00 14:45, 홍학룸) JAAE-KAAE Joint Session 1
Chair: Moriki Hosoe (Kyushu University)
Presentation1: Takashi Saito(Meiji Gakuin University), Takuya Kawanishi(Prefectural University of Kumamoto), Shinya Kawamoto(Nanzan University)*
- Empirical Analysis of Public-to-Private Management Buyouts of Japanese Companies
Presentation2: In Huh(The Catholic University of Korea)
- Analysis of the Relationship between Saving and Investment in Korea: Influence of Foreign Exchange Crisis and Foreign Reserves
Presentation3: YuYa Katafuchi(Kyushu University)*, Kenichi Kurita (Kyushu University)
- Does benefit level affect welfare stigma?: Theory and evidence from OECD panel data
Presentation4: Kuk Mo Jung(Hanyang University)
- A Long Run Approach to Money, Unemployment, and Equity Prices
coffee break
Session 2-A (15:00 16:45, 파인홀) 한국지방세연구원 분과
主題: 地域均衡發展 政策 摸索: 人口分布高等敎育
司會: 조성진(서울대)
發表1: 안현효(대구대)
- 高等敎育地域均衡發展連結고리로서의 共營型 私立大
發表2: 최창곤(전북대)
- 地域均衡發展效率性衡平性: 地域別 人口分布經濟成長
綜合討論: 류덕현(중앙대), 주병기(서울대), 허인(가톨릭대), 홍현우(사회적가치연구원)
Session 2-B (15:00 16:45, 메이플홀) SSK분과(NRF-2016S1A3A2923769)
司會: Hyeog Ug Kwon (Nihon University)
發表1: 이영훈(서강대)
- Determinants of Total Factor Productivity: Application of Common Factor Model to Country Level Panel Data
發表2: 조장희(제주대)
- 지역 격차와 서비스업 생산성 성장: 소매업 및 음식점업을 중심으로
發表3: 문성만(전북대) *, 황운중(전북대)
- Macroeconomic Implications of Global Value Chains
發表4: 이승래(한국외대)*, 문성만(전북대)
- Economies of Scale and Factor Intensity for Multinational Foreign Activities
Session 2-C (15:00 16:45, 홍학룸) JAAE-KAAE Joint Session 2
Chair: Jaewoo Ryoo(Kookmin University)
Presentation1: Yuichi Sato(Chuo University)
- The Effect of Ambient Charges in an n-firm Cournot Oligopoly
Presentation2: Hojin Jung(Chonbuk National University)*, Georgia Kosmopoulou(University of Oklahoma), Richard Sicotte (University of Vermont)
- Contract Renegotiation on Highway Construction Contracts
Presentation3: Takuya Nakaizumi(Kanto Gakuin Univ.)
- General or firm-specific training under contractual incompleteness
Presentation4: Won Jun Nah(Kyungpook National University)*, Marc Lavoie(University of Paris 13, CEPN)
- Overhead labour costs in a neo-Kaleckian growth model with autonomous expenditures
coffee break
Session 3 (17:00 19:00, 리젠시홀) 全體會議
主題: 包容的 成長地域均衡發展戰略
司會: 김성태(청주대)
- 記念辭: 주병기(韓國應用經濟學會長)
- 祝辭: 강신욱(統計廳長)
基調演說1: 최병호(부산대)
- 國家均衡發展政策에 대한 批判的 評價代案 摸索
基調演說2: 홍기석(이화여대)
- 包容的 成長經濟學役割
김우철(서울시립대), 김진영(건국대), 이강국(리츠메이칸대), 전현배(서강대)
晩餐 (19:00 -, 리젠시홀)
427日 土曜日
Session 4 (08:00 09:00, 파인홀) 韓國應用經濟學會 總會
司會: 허인 (가톨릭대)
韓國應用經濟學會 名譽會長團, 理事陣


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

International Workshop on Inequality and Social Policy

International Workshop on Inequality and Social Policy Date: August 21, 2024 Venue: Room 110, Social Science  Building #16,  Seoul National University Organized by : The Center for Distributive Justice & Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program at Seoul National University, Korean Association of Social Sciences  Program Opening Remarks      Biung-Ghi Ju (Seoul National University) Session 1. [ August 21,  9:00-11:00] Chair:  Hyunwoo Hong (CNU) Tracing Inequality and Japanese Colonial Policy in Korea through British-Indian Writings  Santosh Kumar Ranjan (Jawaharlal Nehru University)  How politically driven reforms in anti-poverty policies in China reflected on the ground: Street-level bureaucratsʼ strategies in a vulnerable community in Sichuan  Zaiping Yang (School of government, Sun Yat-sen University)  Research on the impact of social spending on subjective income inequality among residents  Yuxuan...

[경제와정의포럼] 정치경제철학 특별포럼: 장하준과 피케티의 경제발전과 불평등

 [경제와정의포럼] 정치경제철학 특별포럼 장하준과 피케티의 경제발전과 불평등 일시: 2024년 9월 3일 오후 3:00-6:00 장소: 서울대 중앙도서관 관정관 양두석홀  온라인: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/8347538162 주최: 경제와정의포럼(서울대 분배정의연구센터) 서울대 연합전공 정치경제철학연합 한국사회과학회 프로그램 전체사회: 한재준(인하대) 개최사: 주병기(경제연구소 분배정의연구센터장) 축사: 김성진(전해수부장관) [제1부, 15:20 - 16:50] 사회: 한재준(인하대) 한국의 경제발전과 불평등 by 장하준(SOAS 런던대) [패널토론]  좌장: 송수영(중앙대) 패널: 고길곤(서울대), 손종칠(한국외대)  [제2부, 17:00-18:00] 사회: 유종성(연세대) Global inequality and redistribution: A historical and comparative perspective by 토마스 피케티(파리경제대) [패널토론] 좌장: 유종성(연세대) 패널: 주병기(서울대), 하은영(Eunyoung Ha, California State University, Sacramento)

Japan-Korea Game Theory and Experimental Economics Workshop for Young Researchers

Japan-Korea Game Theory and Experimental Economics Workshop for Young Researchers Date: August 29 ~ 30, 2024 Venue: Seminar Room 3, Ara Convention Hall, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea Program Welcoming Remarks   Dr. Sung-Jin Kim (Former Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, Research Fellow of CDJ) Opening Remarks   Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University), Yukihiko Funaki  (Waseda University)  Session 1. [August 29 , 9:15-10:45]  Chair:  Toru Hokari (Keio University) Comparing the Impact of Majority and Minority Win Incentives on Bubble Formation: Insights from Experimental Asset Markets  Xiaohui Wang (Waseda University)  Call auction designs for price discovery: Experiments  Xin Fang (Waseda University)  Wealth Inequalities and Return Heterogeneity Seungbin Ohk (Seoul National University)  Session 2. [August 29 , 11:00-13:00]  Chair: Wonki Cho  (Korea University)  School choice with limited student commitm...