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[Waseda-CDJ Workshop] Fair Allocation and Inclusive Society

Waseda-CDJ Workshop

Fair Allocation and Inclusive Society

 일시: 2023년 2월 01일 (수) 14:30~17:30

 장소: Special Lecture Room in Building No.26 BF1 (Waseda University) 

온라인: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/8347538162

 주최 : Waseda University, Center for Distributive Justice in Seoul National University

· [14: 30 - 14: 45] Reception

· [14: 45 - 14: 50] Opening Remark
Biung-Ghi Ju (Seoul National University)

· [14: 50 - 15: 40] Keynote Lecture
Yuki Funaki (Waseda University)
_ A Problem from the Talmud and a Solution

· [15: 40 - 15: 50] Break

· [15: 50 - 16: 40] Session 1
Hyoji Kwon (Waseda University)
_ Pluralistic Fairness : Experimental Study on the Individual Fairness Ideals
· [16: 40 - 17: 30] Session 2
Hyunwoo Hong (Seoul National University)
_ Economics of Social Economy

The workshop consists of the keynote lecture by Professor Yuki Funaki, Dean of the College of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University, and presentations by two researchers from Waseda University and Seoul National University. The main theme is “Fair Allocation and Inclusive Society”.

Economics is the study of resource allocation, production and consumption, and the innovations and technological developments that drive human progress. In the 18th century, from the beginning of economics, Adam Smith and David Hume pursued a society in which mankind's economic prosperity and human safety sustain and everyone could enjoy justice and happiness. The fundamental economics question for them was what kind of economy would be needed for a society that could sustain justice and happiness. What set of institutions and economic orders should rule consumption, production and other economic activities?

Since Adam Smith, the vast majority of economists have paid attention to the importance of market economy and free trade. However, in the history of capitalism, we have witnessed the problems of injustice, inequality and poverty, and concentration of income and wealth in the market economy, and recognized that this hinders human economic progress, innovation and development. In order to solve these problems, laws and regulations such as antitrust laws, labor rights, social rights etc have been introduced, and advanced countries have continued their efforts to create a fair market and fair capitalism that guarantee justice and welfare.

Nevertheless, the question of justice and fairness still remains a difficult question for economists to answer. What is a fair market order? How much inequality and disparities are fair? What is the appropriate wage gap between CEOs and general employees of large corporations? How should the company's profits be distributed between shareholders (capitalists) and employees (workers)? Can the wage gap between regular and non-regular workers be justified? What is the wage gap between college graduates and high school graduates, and between simple labor and skilled labor?

The keynote lecture and two presentations of this workshop will show the efforts and achievements of economists seeking answers to these questions. Through the keynote lecture, you can learn about the efforts of economic theorists who raise the issue of fair distribution and seek answers that require geometric accuracy and rigor. Professor Yuki Funaki, who will be teaching this lecture, is internationally renowned scholar in this area and in Economic Theory.

Following the keynote lecture, the second lecture will introduce how to use experiments and observations of individual behavior to answer the question of what fairness is. The third lecture is about the economic implications of corporate activities that pursue social value and social impact, not just for profit. You will understand that while the role of the government and the public sector is necessary to strengthen distributive justice and fairness, the role of individual economic agents, especially firms and entrepreneurs, is also important.


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