2023 EAEA International Conference Charting Inclusive Pathways for Innovation, Growth, & Integration in Asia The Venue: Seoul National University, Building #83 http://www.eaea2023.co.kr/?act=info.page&pcode=sub2_1 Organized by: Institute of Economic Research (Center for Distributive Justice, Center for National Competitiveness) of Seoul National University (SNU), Korean International Economic Association (KIEA), Center for Economic Catch-up Sponsored by: Asian Development Bank (ADB), Economic Research Institute for ASEAN & East Asia (ERIA), Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS), Seoul Metropolitan Government DAY ONE: Saturday, October 21 [8:30~9:00] REGISTRATION Building 83, 3rd Floor Lobby (Indoors) [9:00~9:30] Opening Ceremony Opening Remarks: Hal Hill (President of EAEA; Professor Emeritus, ANU, Australia) Congratulatory Remarks: Jang-Hee Yoo (Former President of EAEA; National Academy of Sciences, Korea) Recognitio...