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2023 EAEA International Conference Charting Inclusive Pathways for Innovation, Growth, & Integration in Asia

2023 EAEA International Conference

Charting Inclusive Pathways for Innovation, Growth, & Integration in Asia

The Venue: Seoul National University, Building #83


Organized by:

Institute of Economic Research (Center for Distributive Justice, Center for National Competitiveness) of Seoul National University (SNU),

Korean International Economic Association (KIEA), Center for Economic Catch-up

Sponsored by:

Asian Development Bank (ADB), Economic Research Institute for ASEAN & East Asia (ERIA),

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP),

The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS), Seoul Metropolitan Government

DAY ONE: Saturday, October 21

[8:30~9:00] REGISTRATION Building 83, 3rd Floor Lobby (Indoors)

[9:00~9:30] Opening Ceremony

Opening Remarks: Hal Hill (President of EAEA; Professor Emeritus, ANU, Australia)

Congratulatory Remarks: Jang-Hee Yoo (Former President of EAEA; National Academy of Sciences, Korea)

Recognition of Honorary Participants and Guests

Welcome Remarks: Keun Lee (Chair for EAEA 2023; Distinguished Professor, SNU)

[9:30~10:50] Plenary Session I Building 83, Room #305

Moderator: Jae-Young Kim (Professor, SNU; Director, Center for National Competitiveness at SIER)

Speaker 1: Speaker: Dani Rodrik (Harvard University),

“Future Scenarios for Globalization: The Good, the Bad,

and the Ugly.”

Speaker 2: Justin Yifu Lin (Peking University, former VP of

World Bank), "The Prospect of China's Future Growth

amid the Global Change Unseen in a Century"

Discussant: Shujiro Urata (RIETI, ERIA), Sung Jin Kang (Professor, Korea University; President of KIEA)

[10:50~11:10] COFFEE BREAK Building 83, 3rd Floor

[11:10~13:10]PARALLEL SESSION I (12 sessions) Building 83, Room#: TBC

[13:10~14:20] Lunch Building 109, 2nd Floor & 3rd Floor

[14:20~16:20] PARALLEL SESSION II (12 sessions) Building 83, Room#: TBC

[16:20~16:40] COFFEE BREAK Building 83, 3rd Floor

[16:40~17:25] Ichimura Lecture Building 83, Room #305

Moderator: Hal Hill (President of EAEA, H.W. Arndt Professor Emeritus, Crawford School of Public Policy)

Speaker: Armida S. Alisjahbana (Executive Secretary of ESCAP; Under-secretary General of UN),

“Challenges and Aspiration for Asia Pacific Economies”

Discussant: Fernando Aldaba (Ateneo de Manila University)

[17:25~18:00] Plenary Session II Building 83, Room #305

Moderator: Biung-Ghi Ju (SNU, Director of Center for Distributive Justice at SIER)

Speaker: Wing Thye Woo (Professor, UC Davis; Director, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network),

“Form an Asia-Pacific SDG Partnership (APSP) to Stop Global Warming and Cold War 2.0”

Discussant: Juthathip Jongwanich (Thammasat University)

[18:00~19:00] Moving to Dinner Venue (bus arranged), off-campus location at Han River in center of Seoul

[19:00~22:00] ADB DINNER at Chavit Cuisine (water front, Han River)

Remarks by the Host: Dr. Joseph Zveglich (ADB)

Dinner Speech: Ju-Ho Lee (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Korea)

DAY TWO: Sunday, October 22

[8:00~8:30] REGISTRATION Building 83, 3rd Floor Lobby (Indoors)

[8:30~09:50] Semi- Plenary Session Building 83, Room #305, #505 and #506

ADB Session (Room#305):

Aging in Asia

ERIA Session (Room#505): Trade,

employment, and aging in East Asia

SNU session (Room#506): East

Asian Economic Development

Chair: Charles Horioka (Kobe Univ.)

Speaker 1: Aiko Kikkawa (ADB),

“Health Capacity to Work among

Older Persons in Asia”

Speaker 2: Yasuyuki Sawada (Tokyo

Univ), “On the Effectiveness of

Insurance Mechanisms for the

Elderly in China”

Speaker 3: Donghyun Park (ADB),

“Population aging, silver dividend,

and economic growth”

Chair: Arsenio Balisacan (NEDA)

Introduction: Fukunari Kimura

(Keio University; ERIA)

Speaker 1: Ha Thi Thanh Doan (ERIA),

“Technical Barriers to Trade, Product

Quality and Trade Margins”

Speaker 2: Lili Yan Ing (ERIA),

“Automation in Indonesia”

Speaker 3: Yasuhiko Saito (Nihon

University), “Life after age 65 among

older adults in Japan?”

Chair: Djun Kil Kim (SNU)

Special Speech: Sung-Hee Jwa

(ParkChungHee Institute of

Development Studies), “What

made Korean Miracle Possible?”

Speaker 2: Elizabeth Thurbon

(UNSW Sydney), “Developmental

Environmentalism in Asia”

Speaker 3: Chan Yuan Wong

(National Tsing Hua University in

Taiwan), “A search dilemma for

new roles and market niches”

Speaker 4: Jaeyong Song (SNU),

“What is behind the upsurge in

Korean patenting in the U.S.?”

Discussant: Kwanho Shin (Korea

University), Chulhee Lee (SNU),

Kamhon Kan (Academia Sinica)

Discussant: Rashesh Shrestha (ERIA),

Wan Seok Chang (ERIA)

Discussant: Yoonbai Kim

(University of Kentucky), Alenka

Guzmán (Universidad Autónoma

Metropolitana Iztapalapa)

[09:50~10:10] COFFEE BREAK Building 83, 3rd Floor

[10:10~12:10] PARALLEL SESSION III (12 sessions) Building 83, Room#: TBC

[12:10~13:40] Lunch Building 109, 2nd Floor & 3rd Floor

[13:40~15:40]PARALLEL SESSION IV (12 sessions) Building 83, Room#: TBC

[15:40~15:55] COFFEE BREAK Building 83, 3rd Floor

[15:55~17:10] Plenary Session III Building 83, Room #305

Moderator: Akira Kohsaka (Osaka University)

Speaker 1: Fukunari Kimura (ERIA, Keio University),

“Geopolitical Tension and the East Asian Production


Speaker 2: Keun Lee (SNU), “Varieties of National and

Regional Innovation Systems around the World and

Catchup by Latecomers”

Discussant: Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin (Istanbul Medeniyet University),

Dirk Meissner (HSE University)

[17:10~17:30] Closing Session Building 83, Room #305

Farewell Remarks: Soyoung Kim (Financial Services Commission, Vice Chair, Korea)

Invitation Remark: Juthathip Jongwanich (Thammasat University, Thaland; Host of EAEA 2024)

Closing Speech: Hal Hill (President of EAEA; Professor Emeritus, ANU)

[17:30 ~ 18:50] Farewell Reception/Dinner

At Outdoor Space in front of Cultural Center (Bld #73) of SNU Campus


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